Giant Tiger Quoll?

 Someone of Facebook shared with photo with me on Facebook, on the Save the Thylacine group's timeline. The man's name was Steve Rushton. What he said regarding it was this:

Here's another type of Quall, a Queensland animal was known as the "Northern Wonder"
As big as a medium sized dog, sadly this one was shot in Kenilworth Qld in the early 1920s

What is this then? A quoll the size of a medium size dog? Is it just an extra large tiger quoll? or a possible candidate for the fabled Queensland tiger, thought by some to be a surviving thylacoleo. 
I get the idea that perhaps here is a marsupial analogue to the now-infamous DeLoys ape photo. You can't really get the actual size of it, but it looks large compared to the crate, and what looks like a regular-size paint can. The DeLoys photo, purportedly showing an "American ape", was actually an average-sized spider monkey with its tail concealed. 

So waht's up here? 


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