Marsupial Pegs in Ecological Holes
This really shows how marsupials evolved to fill ecological niches occupied elsewhere by placental mammals. In the prehistoric past there were many more--huge lumbering diprotodonts, the marsupial "tapir" palorachestes, the panda-like homaldotherium from the bamboo-forested highlands, and of course, the feline imitation thylacoleo , the size of a jaguar and capable of taking down the giant ten-foot kangaroo procoptodon. More bizarre were the carnivorous roos, elketadia and propliopus, the giant monitor lizard megalania, the size of a Kodiak and weighing more then a rhino, and the ankylosaur-like turtle meiolania . On the subject of thylacoleo , though, the most surprising think about it was it was relatively unrelated to the other marsupial carnivores, such as the thylacine and Tasmanian devil. Those, the quolls and the dunnarts, all belong to the dasyurid or thylacinid families. Those are both share kin with with the opossums and extinct borhyenids of the Americas. But t...